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Hearing From God

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

God desires to have an intimate relationship with His people. He wants to speak to you and guide you in all of your decisions. We were never meant to be confused, frustrated or lost. We can sometimes sense God speaking to us when we pray. When we pray, sometimes we just have a knowing of what is going to happen or what His Will is. God will speak to our own spirit through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives inside of a born-again believer. A born-again believer is someone who has accepted Jesus into their heart as their Lord and Savior. A born-again believer receives the Holy Spirit once they have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior and asks God to fill them with the Holy Spirit.

As a believer, we should pray for God's purpose and direction in our life. When we (as believers) ask for God’s Purpose and Direction, we will hear the Holy Spirit Guiding us. The Holy Spirit speaks to you in different ways. At times, the Holy Spirit may speak to you and you will hear His Guidance in your own voice. At other times, it may be a sense of knowing or feeling. This is commonly called “intuition” by the world. The Biblical term for this is discernment, which is God’s Spirit Helping you make the right decision. If you do not feel that you have discernment, you can ask God for this so that you can be aware of how God is Directing you (see Psalms 119:125).

At other times, you can have an uneasiness or a bad feeling, which is the Holy Spirit trying to get your attention. This feeling of uneasiness usually tells us that a particular decision or action may be to our harm. We commonly hear this described as a “gut feeling”. I would encourage you to remember that this is not just only a feeling -that originates in our mind, but from the Holy Spirit speaking directly to you to help you avoid bad decisions.

God sometimes speaks through His Word (The Bible). When God speaks through His Word, it may be for encouragement, discernment or correction. When God speaks to you with Scriptures, He will bring to your memory the things that you have learned when you are studying the Bible. This is so that when He is Speaking to you, it will line up with the rest of His Word. As an example, we look at these two verses:

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

What can we learn from these two verses? God wants us to trust Him with all our heart and lean on Him. We are not to trust on our understanding. God will direct your path -and show you exactly what we need to do.

As you can see, God WANTS to speak and communicate with us. It is also important that we also WANT to speak and communicate with God. We need to make time to pray and to listen to God. I regularly use a journal where I write out my prayers to God. I then spend time listening and writing down God’s response to me. Hearing from God this way requires that you spend time regularly with Him to clearly hear the Voice of God. If you make this a regular practice, you will learn to hear His Voice clearly and without misunderstanding.

The reason that we have to hear God’s voice clearly - is that there are many other voices that try to capture our attention and influence us. Some of the other voices you can hear include the voice of your own desires, the desires of others or the desires of the world. There is a significant difference when we listen to the Voice of God versus other voices. God's Voice is also followed by His Peace. When He speaks, there is a sense of Peace. This Peace is present despite bad news or unfavorable circumstances, (see John 14:27). When we listen to the other voices (that are not the Voice of God), we will feel uneasiness, confusion and frustration.

It is important for us to discern the different voices that we hear. We need to pray for the gift of discernment to hear the True Voice of God in our lives. God Desires to Speak to us, Direct us, and Lead us.

Let us pray.

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for everyone reading or listening to this blog right now. We pray for Your Gift of Discernment and the Ability to Discern Your Voice. Let us hear Your Voice clearly in our lives. We pray we that may be able to be Led by Your Spirit in our lives. We pray that You would fill us with Your Spirit, Your Power, Your Strength, and Your Discernment -that we may not be confused, frustrated, or lost. We pray that we will know exactly what Your Will is for our lives. We pray for the Grace to obey Your Direction despite what we feel or want. We surrender all our prayer requests, burdens and concerns into Your Hands.

We ask all these things in Jesus Name.


If anyone has not received Jesus as their Lord and Savior and wishes to do so, please say the prayer below:

Heavenly Father,

Please forgive me for my sins.

I invite You Jesus into my heart as my Lord and Savior.

Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Help me to follow You.

I ask this in Jesus name.


If this is your first time saying this prayer, welcome to the family of God!

Here is a link to a Bible Study Guide of the Gospel of Matthew -to help you start your journey!

Youversion Bible App is a great way to study God’s Word. It has different Bible studies to help you understand the Bible better. You can do Bible studies with friends to stay encouraged! It is free to use.

Here is a link to download the app:

Please feel free to email me with any prayer requests at

Prayer requests are always confidential.

Youtube: His Daughter

There are links to Bible study guides on our website. We hope that they will be a blessing for you as you study God's Word.


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